Meet Lili

Lili Bosse, the only child of Holocaust survivors, grew up on South Maple Drive. She attended Beverly Vista, Beverly Hills High School and the University of Southern California. Lili and her husband, Jon, raised their family here; their two sons are both graduates of Beverly High and the University of Michigan.

Lili has long been considered one of Beverly Hills' most accessible and effective community leaders. Her colleagues on the City Council, as well as residents and local business owners, have recognized her work ethic and level of preparation. She is known for always listening and responding.

Beverly Hills Mayor. Council member (2022 - 2024) 
Lili was sworn again for a third term as Mayor in April 2022 by Ambassador Nicole Avant . She announced her proposal for a creation of the Real Time Watch Center which would enable 24 hour camera surveillance ( over 2,000 cameras), Automatic license plate readers and drone program to be monitored by the police dept as an innovative tool for public safety . She also rolled out ‘BHPD Alert’ which is an information text/ email that is sent in real time by the BHPD to the community as an accurate notification of public safety situations in the city. Bosse introduced a mental health wellness series to include well renown experts to be in conversation with the community. In a new twist to her successful Walk With The Mayor program, Bosse introduced Bussiness with Bosse. a creative opportunity to introduce residents to businesses in the city . She also created Live with Lili, a monthly town hall at city hall, however the space was transformed into an intimate living room style setting to encourage a warm, approachable open conversation of suggestions and ideas. Bosse, known for her focus on transparency and community engagement led the way to include all city liaison meetings be televised in line with her initiating Mayors Cabinet meetings televised access during her last term. Lili also initiated the ‘ Just In Case ‘ Emergency Preparedness Program comprised of residents, employees and bussiness working alongside one another with our Beverly Hills Fire and Police Departments, to have the proactive tools to know WHAT TO DO, WHERE TO GO for shelter, and HOW TO GET HELP in a catastrophic situation. Bosse was instrumental in establishing a 24 hour unhoused and mental health assistance call line ( 310 285-2468) to be used when community member sees that an individual may be in need of support.  

Beverly Hills Mayor. Council member (2017 - 2018) 
Lili was sworn in again as Mayor In 2017 and Re-established her popular weekly Monday Walk with the Mayor program, continued her ‘BH Healthy City’ Initiative, added additional bike lanes on Santa Monica Blvd, no smoking regulations in multi family homes and developed a city partnership with Wellness Icon Deepak Chopra. Increased Transparency in government as she arranged for all Mayor Cabinet Meetings to be televised, strengthened the lobbyist ordinance and introduced basement regulations. She worked closely with the Beverly Hills School District and BHPD for school security upgrades. Spearheaded and participated in the unanimous (5-0) Council vote to support the BOLD campaign in our city. BOLD , Beverly Hills new marketing concept to support our retail sector, created a fresh environment, programs and experiences to attract shoppers and compete with the challenges of on-line shopping. Continuing her Healthy City initiative, Lili's strong leadership helped the effort by the City Council to ban the sale of all tobacco products in Beverly Hills - the first city in the United States to do it. She personally participated/attended over 30 public meetings to develop our new Rent Stabilization Ordinance - an open, fair process to deal with this complex, important issue. Lili serves on the MTA Subway - City Council Liaison committee to monitor and mitigate the effects of subway construction and protect the interests of local businesses and residential quality of life during this difficult, disruptive process.

Lili also strongly supported the concept of creating the new position of City Auditor - to perform timely, objective financial and performance audits of all city departments - with the goal of identifying and eliminating waste and inefficiency. She supports the extensive, on-going public process to plan the renovation of La Cienega Park - a plan that must reflect the needs and vision of our entire community. With her planning experience as a foundation, Lili supports the efforts of the city's Strategic Planning/Southeast Task Force Committee to develop a pro-active plan and vision for the future of the eastern portion of Beverly Hills - one that will contribute to the quality of life of our residents and the creation of a newly vital commercial district.

Lili voted in support of the new Beverly Hills Fire Department Nurse Practitioner Program; Mobile Stroke Unit and the "Stop the Bleed" effort - which will all contribute greatly to the health of the people of Beverly Hills. She supported the new "Trust and Innovation Portal" (TIPS) - a program to facilitate the sharing of new ideas leading to improvement in city government; make confidential reports, or submit important, useful tips to the city.

She supported the new Beverly Hills Arts and Culture Commission and program as the city seeks to increase the visibility of arts and culture, expand awareness of cultural facilities, and encourage more arts and cultural activities in our world class city.

Beverly Hills Mayor (March 2014 - March 2015 )
Lili was sworn in as Mayor by family friend, Sidney Poitier, in March, at the first Installation Ceremony at the new Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts in the heart of Beverly Hills. That night, Mayor Bosse announced her "Healthy City Initiative" plan for the city - healthy people, healthy economy, healthy government.

Lili established the highly successful, weekly Walk with the Mayor program; the 60-Second Shout Out program, highlighting a different local business at each City Council Meeting; the Lunch and Learn Program, featuring local experts in medicine, exercise, healthy living and safety; initiated Text BH providing an opportunity for residents to text their questions or comments directly to City Hall.

Beverly Hills City Council
Lili has served on many important Council Liaison Committees: (partial list) 
Annenberg Construction Coordination
Architectural Commission
BHUSD Liaison
Branding and Licensing Committee
Centennial Anniversary Committee
Chamber of Commerce
Community Charitable Foundation
Cultural Heritage Commission
Design Review Commission
Fine Art Commission
Health and Safety Commission
Human Relations Commission
Mayor's Efficiency Task Force
Mayor's Subway Task Force
Planning Commission
PTA Liaison 
Recreation and Parks Commission
Rodeo Drive/Special Events/Holiday Program
Sister Cities Committee
Small Business Task Force
Southeast Task Force
Subway MTA ad hoc
Sunshine Task Force

Beverly Hills Middle School opening day, Superintendent Bregy

As a member of the Council, Lili has been a leader on many
important issues and initiatives, among them:

Re-established her popular weekly Monday Walk with the Mayor program; continued her ‘BH Healthy City’ Initiative; added additional bike lanes on Santa Monica Blvd; no smoking regulations in multi family homes and developed a city partnership with Wellness Icon Deepak Chopra; increased Transparency as she arranged for all Mayor Cabinet Meetings to be televised; strengthened the lobbyist ordinance and introduced basement regulations; she worked closely with the Beverly Hills School District and BHPD for school security upgrades; spearheaded the BOLD Campaign - a creative new marketing concept of programs, experiences and environment in support of our retail businesses as they meet the challenges of on-line shopping. BOLD- Beverly Hills Open Late brought a new vibrancy and late night energy to Beverly Hills; opened the first Dog Park in Beverly Hills; Roxbury Park Community Center Reconstruction Project; budget improvements towards fiscal sustainability; transparent budget process; expansion of in-lieu parking program; 2-year email retention policy; Historic Preservation ordinance; establishment of Cultural Heritage Commission; restoration of Beverly Gardens Park; Trousdale View ordinance; Library renovation; amendment of development standards for single family residences to address bulk, mass and scale; Mills Act ordinance; back-up satellite phone system for emergency operations center; expanded CCTV camera network; creation of Southeast Revitalization Task Force; "Positive Change - Not Spare Change" program to address panhandling public awareness campaign; worked to extend Concerts on Canon season; development of City of Beverly Hills Homeland Security and Disaster Strategic Plan; New York sales mission with Chamber of Commerce aimed at business retention and attracting new businesses; China outreach to cultivate business and tourism; expanded library hours; implemented real time communication to City Hall for citizens using social media; improved civic center and business triangle way-finding signage.

Beverly Hills Planning Commission ( 2007 - 2011 )
As a member and Chair of Planning, Lili helped lead the community-wide effort to revise our General Plan and protect the low-rise character of our neighborhoods (no increases to height and density limits). Throughout her time on the Commission she established a record of fair and balanced votes.

Beverly Hills Traffic and Parking Commission (1997 - 2002)
As a member and Chair of Traffic and Parking, Lili worked to reduce commercial intrusion by implementing preferential parking on residential streets and required routes for valet parking attendants only on commercial streets.

Beverly Hills Education Foundation (1995 - 2002)
As President, Lili mobilized parents, residents and local businesses to support our public schools, and spearheaded the first Apple Ball and Walk For Schools.

Beverly Hills Schools
Lili and Jon Bosse led the library modernization at all five public schools, upgraded the KBEV student television facility and funded the Bosse Leadership Academy for school-district employees.

2024 Beverly Hills Education Foundation ( BHEF ) Lifetime Achievement Award

Fellowship ‘Vital Voices’

Cofounder of Visionary Women

Women Moving Millions, Member

Distinguished Leadership Award - Beth Jacob Congregation

2023 Woman of the Year, Shamsi Hekmat Award -
Iranian Jewish Women’s Organization

"Visionary Award" - the Israeli American Civic Action Network

Fred Hayman Visionary Award

"Democrat of the Year Award 2014"

"Hall of Fame Award 2015" - Beverly Hills High School Alumni

"Spirit of Philanthropy Award" - Beverly Hills Education Foundation

"Women of Achievement Award"- Sheba Medical Center

"Edgar F. Magnin Community Service Award" - Hillcrest Country Club

"Ten People Who Made A Difference in Beverly Hills"

"Gerda Spiegler, Member of the Year Award" - West Hollywood Club, Beverly Hills Club

Rotary Club of Beverly Hills, Member

Friends of the Beverly Hills Public Library

Police And Community Together (PACT), Founding Member

Wexner Heritage Foundation, Leadership Program

Wilshire Boulevard Temple, Board of Trustees

Jewish Federation
Chair, Women's Venture Fund
Chair, Lion of Judah Division

Hebrew Union College, Board of Directors

"Visionary Award" - the Israeli American Civic Action Network